хозяин осла (master)
осёл (donkey)
пёс (dog)
кот (cat)
петух (rooster)
разбойники (robbers)
реквизит: костюмы персонажей, кружки или миски и оружие у рахбойников.
можно варьировать количество разбойников (а также добавить хозяйку осла) в зависимости от количества учеников.
musicians of bremen 1 musicians of bremen 2 musicians of bremen 3 musicians of bremen 4
(хозяин выводит на сцену осла, обращается к зрителям.)
master: look at my donkey. it was good and strong. it could carry heavy bags with flour. but now it is old. it can't work. (обращаясь к ослу) go away!
(хозяин уходит. осёл разводит руками)
donkey: what shall i i'll find a new house.
(осёл марширует на месте, изображая, что идёт по дороге. к нему подходит пёс)
donkey: what's the matter, doggy?
dog: i helped the hunter. i ran in the forest and in the field. but now i'm old. he wanted to kill me, and i ran away.
donkey: let's find a new house!
dog: good idea!
( осёл и пёс идут по дороге. к ним подходит кот)
dog: what's the matter, kitty?
donkey: why are you sad?
cat: i lived on the farm. i caught mice. but now i'm old. what shall i do?
donkey: let's find a new house!
cat: good idea!
( осёл, пёс и кот идут по дороге. к ним подходит петух)
cat: what's the matter, rooster?
rooster: cock-a-doodle-doo! my master wanted to eat me! what shall i do?
cat: let's find a new house!
rooster: cock-a-doodle-doo! good idea!
( все четверо идут по дороге)
rooster: it's dark!
cat: i'm thirsty!
dog: i'm hungry!
donkey: i'm tired!
( петух указывает в сторону)
rooster: look! a light!
donkey: it's a house!
dog: there's meat!
cat: there's milk! let's go there!
(персонажи отходят в сторону (подходят к "дому"), делают вид, что заглядывают в окна)
donkey: i see the robbers. they are having supper!
(появляются разбойники. они делают вид, что едят и пьют. разбойники поют песню (выберите наиболее подходящую из изученных). животные начинают кричать не своими голосами)
donkey: meow!
dog: cock-a-doodle-doo!
cat: bow-wow-wow!
rooster: hee-haw!
разбойники напуганы)
robber 1: oh, it's a monster!
robber 2: i'm frightened!
robber 3: let's run away!
(разбойники убегают. животные заходят в "дом".)
donkey: what a good house!
dog: let's live here!
cat: good idea!
rooster: cock-a-doodle-doo!
badabum, badabum of badabim, badabum -
it's a crazy love, parallel the music of the courts.
badabum, badabum of badabim, badabum -
is freedom for my soul and friends kids.
badabum, badabum of badabim, badabum -
it's a crazy love, parallel the music of the courts.
badabum, badabum of badabim, badabum -
is freedom for my soul and friends kids.
i'm harry houdini, prisoner of routine,
which is paired with time
without stopping flying is still broke
all our ships we're waiting on eternal repeat.
watch out for the crew, not sakallah
here dwells the failure of the tower high floor.
this is creepy, screwed; and the history of the end of,
but still spinning the bike.
our amg zero where zero?
where are blanks? where the balls are howling?
who's hopeless? who is warrior?
not without a fight. the crowd is not on principles, not princes.
but from any not pawns in giving.
you, put your swords in the scabbard, there's a battle of needles.
foil and so on, you knock it off
the load on the body you will need twice as much.
poems after all not theme incognito tera
these are the saddest nights.
on the streets without problems every yard and district,
recognizes our handwriting.
we are here to melt exactly blog-in my soul shell.
there's nothing to do, bro, hip-hop is my everything.
i write like a donkey relentlessly. those who are in a rut a long time -
they do not dangle my bits.
they call me weird? ok!
i'm stuck with the muse, dilemma tracks: biggie, tupac, eminem.
the broadcasting point is the same-the city of comfort and blue sky.
it's time for me to distribute the stages in the case i'm seven years old.
and as would until now album of there is no, and this is gnawing.
away with statutes, dilemmas, and wars
what's on tv, quite chubby vparivaet d * beat.
for what? for what? for fun.
i'm a rapper,not a doctor!
let this choice me come out sideways,
but after same, believe i -
locke's mania will lead me.
to not near not close and the star,
i was looking for in the sky -
lay in all of this time under windows.
i dreamed about what i had for a long time.
badabum, badabum of badabim, badabum -
it's a crazy love, parallel the music of the courts.
badabum, badabum of badabim, badabum -
is freedom for my soul and friends kids.
badabum, badabum of badabim, badabum -
it's a crazy love, parallel the music of the courts.
badabum, badabum of badabim, badabum -
is freedom for my soul and friends kids
Christmas and New Year are the most wonderful and amazing holidays when all dreams come true.
Our school will arrange the celebration of these holidays. In the middle of our gym they will put a huge Christmas tree and performances will start. The heroes of our favorite fairy-tales will come to see us and to give us New Year and Christmas presents, and for high school students they will arrange a real costume party.
During the Christmas holidays our school will organize excursions and trips. This year we'll go to Moscow. It will be fun.
I dream to visit the most wonderful country in the world - Lapland. To my oppinion it is very beautiful, because the sun shines on the snow, and everything sparkles. I would like to ride a fabulous reindeer and meet the real Santa Claus. I want to make the most magical wish. I think it would be so cool! That's my dream))