3. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or The Present Continuous 1. He (to like) reading books. 2. Look! He (to read) now. 3. Oh, I (to know) what he (to
read) now. 4. 1 (to think) it (to be) his favourite book. 5. She (to write) letters every
day, 6. Now she (to sit) and (to write) a letter to her best friend in America. 7. She (to
love) him very much and (to want) to meet him. 8. What she (to write) now? - A
letter. 9. Whyºshe (to write) letters every day? - Because she (to want) to see her
best friend from America. 10. She (to write) now? - Yes, she... 11. She (to write) every
day? - Yes, she ... 12. Look! They (to smile). 13. Why they (to smile)? - Because they
(to look at) a funny clown. 14. They often (to go) to the circus? - Yes, they... 15. They
(to be) in the circus now? - Yes, they... 16. Who (to wait) for you now? - My brother...
17. He usually (to wait) for you after school? - No, he 18. Usually he (to have) 6
lessons, but today he (to have) only 4. 19.
Oh, now I (to understand) why he (to wait)
for you. 20. You (to hear)? - No, 1.6. 21.1 (to hear), that a baby (to cry). 22. Now! (to
hear) it too. 23. I (to think) the baby (to want) to see his mother. 24. Look! What he
(to put) in his bag? 25. 1 (not to see), 26. And I (to see) that he'Yto put) Liza's
copybook in his bag. 27. Why You (to close) my book now? 28.1 (to want) to take it
off the table. 29. He /to buy) a magazine now. 30. Usually he (not to buy) magazines.
31. I wonder what magazine he (to buy now).
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Ребят Английский
1. Usually I get up at 6.30. I think it's too early.
2. I hate to get up so early, so, I do it unwillingly.
3. I have an alarm clock, but, unfortunately, it doesn't always wake me up.
4. My Mum cooks breakfast for me but sometimes I do it myself.
5. For breakfast, I usually have porridge, or fried eggs or scrambled eggs.
6. I leave my house at half past 7.
7. Usually it takes me 40 minutes or an hour to get to the college.
8. I go there by the metro and then by bus.
9. Usually I have 4 or 5 and sometimes even 6 lectures a day.
10. Usually I have lunch in our college canteen, but sometimes I eat in a cafe.
11. I come back home at 7 p.m.
12. Usually it takes me 2 hours to do my homework.
13. In the evening I usually read books or watch TV.
14. But I don't have much free time on weekdays.
I have enough free time at weekends.
15. I go to bed at 11 o'clock.