1. Steve Jobs is famous for his revolution in the tehcnology world-invention of IPod, IPhone, IPad and Mac Book and foundation his own corporation, which is called Apple Inc.
2.I'm found of watching films with Jonny Depp. 3.Last Saturday I went up to the mountains by bike and afterwards I felt very tired.
4.In my opinion, people become friends or start dating only if they have something in common.
5.Tom has his summer football trainings only in open air.
6.My favourite books are science fiction ones, because they are extremely interesting and absorbing.
Present perfect(I have done) образуется с подлежащего I, you, we, they, he , she , it и другие далее следует has/have в зависимости от местоимения. если местоимения it, he, she будет всегда has , в остальных случаях have . далее ставиться глагол в 3 форме ( past participle ) , если глагол неправильный то 3 - я форма есть в таблице неправильных глаголов , а если правильный (его в этой таблице не будет ) то добавляется окончание -ed
1. Have Mr and Mrs Brower planted(правильный глагол , его в таблице нет, поэтому добавляется окончание ed ) the garden ? 2. Has Mrs Simpson bought (неправильный глагол , поэтому смотрим в таблицу в 3- ю колонку) a new car ? 3. Has Mr Green painted the door ? 4. Have Mr and Mrs Jackson changed the Windows ? 5.Has Mr Vincent bought a dog? 6.Have Mr and Mrs Alexander decorated the trees near their house ?
Не забудь отметить решение, как лучшее ) если будут вопросы по английскому или нужно объяснить что -то по Грамматике пиши в лс)
1.действующее лицо---глагол с окончание ed либо вторая форма неправильного глагола Sam played football yesterday She saw him two years ago. 2.отриц предложение. действующее лицо---вс глагол did с отрицательной частицей not---глагол без окончания ed или первая форма неправильного глагола Sam did not play football yestarday She did not see him two years ago 3. вопросительное предложение. вс глагол did---действующее лицо---глагол без окончания ed или неправильный глагол в первой форме Did Sam play football yesterday? Did she see him two years ago?
1. Steve Jobs is famous for his revolution in the tehcnology world-invention of IPod, IPhone, IPad and Mac Book and foundation his own corporation, which is called Apple Inc.
2.I'm found of watching films with Jonny Depp.
3.Last Saturday I went up to the mountains by bike and afterwards I felt very tired.
4.In my opinion, people become friends or start dating only if they have something in common.
5.Tom has his summer football trainings only in open air.
6.My favourite books are science fiction ones, because they are extremely interesting and absorbing.