so many things to do today.
things i love to do, and other things not so much fun.
paperwork. ugh. i wish it had never been invented.
despise it, even online. a never ending story.
like housework.
druggery that barely lasts long enough
for the ink to dry or the dust bunnies to settle.
i have a quirky mind that does not like being bored with the humdrum.
i refuse to acknowledge the
grown up parts of myself,
preferring to focus on the fun things i can do.
the things that give me joy and uplift my soul.
art, poetry, painting, spending time with my grandchildren.
i am all about these things.
things that uplift and make me feel happy.
paperwork and housework i leave to my minions.
dear megan,
thanks a lot for your letter. sorry for not writing you earlier. i've been busy all this time.
i'm glad to hear about your opinion to this topic. as for the first question you asked, i can say that i'm getting news from the school newspaper called the flower of knowledge. most of the articles are about school life. frankly speaking, i really enjoy reading news stories. especially about the people who live in england and usa. there are always share great experiences and they are very interesting too.
anyway, i have to go now because my mum asked me to make the dinner tonight.
take care and keep in touch!
120 words
я сначало на заметки сделал потом уже все
1) Mikiel is drawing a picture at the moment
2) Nancy is thinking latter about Peter’s right now
3) -
4) You are seen something with busy
5) Is your family of coming with tomorrow?
6) What have your cousin do you in bedroom?
7) -
8) My Mom always irons clothes for me and my sister