My Favourite Film «Matrix»
My favourite film is a science fiction trilogy The Matrix. The first part was shot in 1999, the second and the third – in 2003. I like this movie because it is dynamic, captivating and deeply philosophical at the same time. In my opinion, any good movie should be a combination of a touching story, bright visualization and clever ideas.з
The Matrix is a cyberpunk story. The setting is the future where intelligent machines have enslaved the humanity. People are held on gigantic plantations and are used as a source of energy. They cannot fight against their enslavers because they are connected to a virtual reality called the Matrix.
Мой любимый фильм «Матрица»
Мой любимый фильм – научно-фантастическая трилогия «Матрица». Первую часть сняли в 1999 году, вторую и третью – в 2003. Мне нравится этот фильм, потому что он динамичный, захватывающий и в то же время глубокомысленный. На мой взгляд, любой хороший фильм должен сочетать в себе трогательную историю, яркую визуализацию и умные идеи.
«Матрица» – это история в жанре «киберпанк». Действие разворачивается в будущем, где разумные машины поработили человечество. Люди содержатся на гигантских плантациях и используются как источник энергии. Они не могут бороться со своими поработителями, потому что подсоединены к виртуальной реальности под названием «Матрица».
In modern society, people began to forget that the planet Earth is our common home. People sometimes do not notice what harm they cause to nature by their actions and deeds. There are many problems related to the ecology of our planet. But I would like to identify those that, in my opinion, are more acute.
The first problem is the pollution of the environment by industrial waste. Around the world there are a lot of industrial enterprises. But, unfortunately, many of them are not installed cleaning devices. This leads to the fact that harmful substances get into the atmosphere, and waste is thrown into the rivers. For this reason, plants, animals, birds, fish die.
The second problem is deforestation. Nowadays, the human need for wood has increased. Society needs wood products: paper, furniture, building materials. People do not think and cut down tree after tree. Vast areas occupied by forests have begun to decline, and this leads to climate change, the grinding of rivers, the disappearance of many species of plants and animals.
The third problem is the disappearance of rare species of animals. Many species of rare animals disappear at the whim of man: for valuable fur and skin pay good money. People engage in poaching and without regret exterminate those animals, which and so remained very little. Has man forgotten that we must take care of our younger brothers?
All of us, regardless of age, can help our planet. After all, it is not so difficult: throw the wrapper in the trash or plant a tree near the house. Each of us is responsible for a huge planet called Earth.