Read the names of these gadgets and match with their direct ways of use. Write down 4 combinations of numbers and letters with a comma (,). Example: 1A, 2B, 3C, 4D
1. An e-book device is used to...
A. talk to friends and family
B. take pictures
C. store music files
D. read electronic books
2. An MP3 player is used to...
A. record moving pictures and sound and broadcast them on the Internet
B. store music files
C. take pictures
D. play special computer games
3. A laptop is used to...
A. surf the Internet and work in any place
B. talk to friends and family
C. listen to music without other people hearing
D. take pictures
4. A DVD player is used to...
A. take pictures
B. watch films
C. play special computer games
D. talk to friends and family
Read these sentences and choose the correct phrasal verb. Write down three combinations of numbers and letters with a comma (,).
Example: 1A, 2A, 3A
Примечание: Писать слова не нужно, только цифры и буквы. Не забудьте поставить пробел после каждой запятой.
1. I need to find someone who can my dogs this weekend while I’m on holiday.
A. look back B. look after
2. Our boss some people in his firm as he thinks he is the most successful businessman.
A. looks down on B. looks in
3. Many students are part-time jobs now.
A. looking for B. looking back
badly - worse
far - futher (точно не помню как пишется, попробуй в шпаргалках в тетради посмотреть)
here - переводится как "тут", ты точно уверен в правильном написании?
outside - "снаружи". хм. тоже сложно что - либо сказать.
mostly - the most
fast - faster
loudly - louder
usually - это "обычно". забей в переводчике "обычный"
carefully - more careful
happily - happier
patiently - more patient
dangerously - more dangerous
нус чем смог. извини, если не правильно, именно такое задание для меня ново.