1. They HAVE never been to Talas. 2. I WENT to Supara resort. 3. They have never been to the USA. Правила: 1.Present Perfect образуется при вс глагола to have/has и третьей формы смыслового глагола (Past Participle). Третья форма правильных глаголов образуется с окончания –ed, а для неправильных Неправильные глаголы. 2. Утвердительная форма у правильных глаголов в Simple Past Tense образуется путем прибавления к основе глагола (к инфинитиву без частицы to) окончания -ed: 3.Never само по себе отрицание
1. Раскройте скобки, употребляя неправильные глаголы в Past Simple.
Anna had a shower this morning.
They went at work by bus last morning.
Cats drank milk yesterday.
She got up early this morning.
You slept on a sofa last night.
He swam in a pool last week.
We sang a song on the party last night.
I forgot to call her yesterday.
She drove a car last month.
You lost keys yesterday evening.
2. Напишите утвердительное, отрицательное и вопросительные предложения в Past Simple.
1) She saw him last year.
She did not see him last year.
Did she see him last year?
2) They ran this morning.
(-)They did not run this morning.
(?) Did they run this morning?
3) I won last night.
(-) I didn`t win last night.
(?) Did I win last night?