Money appeared much later than the establishment of the national economy: first the ancient tribes used the means of exchange (cattle, fish, ornaments were changed for bread, meat, fabrics), and different peoples used various means for exchange. For example, in Mexico "cocoa beans" were used as "money", pearls and shells were found on the islands of Oceania, in the seas of valuable beasts in Alaska and Canada. Such commodity-exchange relations were not very convenient and the need arose to create a universal exchange equivalent. So there was money. At first they were metal (in the manufacture in different countries used materials such as copper, silver, bronze). Paper money appeared only in 1910 and since then have firmly entered our life.Ставь лукас и лучшее решение
Money appeared much later than the establishment of the national economy: first the ancient tribes used the means of exchange (cattle, fish, ornaments were changed for bread, meat, fabrics), and different peoples used various means for exchange. For example, in Mexico "cocoa beans" were used as "money", pearls and shells were found on the islands of Oceania, in the seas of valuable beasts in Alaska and Canada. Such commodity-exchange relations were not very convenient and the need arose to create a universal exchange equivalent. So there was money. At first they were metal (in the manufacture in different countries used materials such as copper, silver, bronze). Paper money appeared only in 1910 and since then have firmly entered our life.Ставь лукас и лучшее решение
Such commodity-exchange relations were not very convenient and the need arose to create a universal exchange equivalent. So there was money. At first they were metal (in the manufacture in different countries used materials such as copper, silver, bronze). Paper money appeared only in 1910 and since then have firmly entered our life.Ставь лукас и лучшее решение