Doctor: What is the matter with you? Simon: I'm dizzy. Doctor: You have to sit down and you have to stay in bed. Simon: And I have a runny nose and sneeze a lot. I think there is flu. Doctor: Yes, you have the flu and the temperature too. Simon: What should I do, doctor? Doctor: You should drink hot drinks, you should not drink cold water. You should eat vegetables and fruits. You should not go out. You must stay in bed and you must take these pills. Simon: Thank you, doctor. Doctor: Get well soon, Simon!
Doctor: What is the matter with you?
Simon: I'm dizzy.
Doctor: You have to sit down and you have to stay in bed.
Simon: And I have a runny nose and sneeze a lot. I think there is flu.
Doctor: Yes, you have the flu and the temperature too. Simon: What should I do, doctor?
Doctor: You should drink hot drinks, you should not drink cold water. You should eat vegetables and fruits. You should not go out. You must stay in bed and you must take these pills.
Simon: Thank you, doctor.
Doctor: Get well soon, Simon!
There was an incident recently. it was unpleasant. passing by, the man stumbled on the landing. he fell and broke his leg. the fracture is not severe. he fell because of a stray cat. she jumped at his feet. he couldn't resist falling. immediately, people ran up. they called an ambulance. and the medics took the victim away. after this, the cat was picked up by a woman and taken to her home. so that no one will suffer for it again.
(текст мой придумала сама) не гарантирую что правильно, не забудь ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐и❤️