Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present, Past, Future Simple; Present, Past Continuous. 1. Yesterday he (to wash) his face at a quarter past seven. 2. I (not to have) history lessons every day. 3. We (not to rest) yesterday. 4. My brother (not to drink) coffee yesterday. 5. He (to turn) on the television to watch cartoons every morning.
1. We received this letter from Continental Equipment a week ago.
2. When we receive your confirmation, we will open the letter of credit.
3. I want to test this equipment.
received - Past Simple Active (простое активный залог), инфинитив - to recieve;
receive - Present Simple Active (простое настоящее, активный залог), инфинитив - to recieve;
will open - Future Simple Active (простое будущее, активный залог), инфинитив - to open;
to test - Simple Infinitive Active (простой инфинитив в активном залоге).