The Red wolf Red wolves are rare animals. They survived the Ice Age. There are one hundred red wolves. Red wolves live in forests in the USA. They eat mice and rabbits. Some shopkeepers put red wolves in cages and sell. Many wolves were killed in XX century. Red wolves are in danger because men cut down trees and destroy forests and wolves’ homes. People can help red wolves. They can move the wolves in the national parks where people can’t hunt them. Рыжие волки редкие животные. Рыжие волки пережили ледниковый период. Сейчас около ста рыжих волков. Они живут в лесах США. Они едят мышей и кроликов. Владельцы магазинов иногда сажают рыжих волков в клетки и продают. Много волков убили в 20-м веке. Рыжие волки в опасности, потому что люди вырубают деревья, уничтожают леса. Люди могут рыжим волкам. Они могут перевезти их в национальные заповедники, где люди не смогут на них охотиться.
1) She asked me where he was. 2) She asked me what I was doing. 3) She asked me why I had gone out last night. 4) She asked me who that beautiful woman had been. 5) She asked me how my mother was. 6) She asked me what I was going to do at the weekend. 7) She asked me where I would live after graduation. 8) She asked me what I was doing when she had seen me. 9) She asked me how the journey had been. 10) She asked me how often I went to the cinema. 11) She asked me if I lived in London. 12) She asked me if he had arrived on time. 13) She asked me if I had been to Paris. 14) She asked me if I could help her. 15) She asked me if I was working that night. 16) She asked me if I would come later. 17) She asked me if I liked coffee. 18) She asked me if this was the road to the station. 19) She asked me I had done my homework. 20) She asked me if I had studied reported speech before.