There are many attractions in London. TheTower of London is one of the oldest buildings in England.On the banks of the River Thames, not far fromthe tower, is the Palace of Westminster, wherethe meetings of the British Parliament are held.One of its towers is the famous watch ofEngland Big Ben. Nearby is the Ferris Wheel"Eye of London"-the largest in the world.Also very popular is Buckingham Palace-theofficial residence of the Queen in London.Trafalgar Square is the central square of thecity, next to it stands the National Gallery, nearwhich is the Church of St. Peter.
Твой город
11 November 2020
Dear Jim,
Thanks a lot for your recent letter! I'm sorry I haven't answered earlier I was really busy with my school. In your letter you asked me about sport. I'll try to answer them.
Well, I play soccer in my free time and I go to basketball twice a week. In fact, In our school we only have a gym, and I can use only balls. As for me, not very attractive, but it would be nice. But I want to connect my life with something else.
Ok, I need to do my homework. It's great to receive from you letter! Write back soon.
Best wishes,
ты можешь немного изменить во втором абзаце, я там своё напридумал
Том Холланд английский актер,Выпусник Лондонской школы исполнительного исскуства и технологий ,начал свою актерску деятельность с восьми лет. Родился 1 июня 1996 года на данный момент ему 24 года. Снимался в фильмах ,,Человек паук" ,"Мстители,, и т.д . Я считаю он талантливый актер и мне он нравится