8 класс III unit Самостоятельная работа
Модальный Глагол
1 Задание. Поставьте модальный глагол в скобках в правильной форме.
1. Who (be able to) help me tomorrow?
2. Her brother (can) read when he was five.
3. She (not can) swim last year.
4. Most of people (can) speak English.
5. He (not can) swim last year.
2 Задание. Вставьте артикль, если необходимо.
1. Who invented paper?
2. Who invented computer?
3. Are Russian friendly?
4. I like coffee.
5. She usually has milk for breakfast.
3 Задание. Поставьте предложения в вопросительную и
отрицательную формы:
1) I had to be at home by 10 o’clock yesterday.
2) John will be able to go to Washington next week.
3) She could make dinner when she was 10.
4 Задание. Переведите следующие предложения:
1) Ане пять лет. Она может петь и танцевать, но не умеет писать.
2) Я не люблю вставать рано, но мне приходится.
3) Они должны приходить в школу вовремя.
5 Задание. ответьте на вопросы
1.Какие модальные глаголы имеют форму будущего времени? Укажите их.
2.Какой модальный глагол употребляется только в настоящем времени в отрицательной и вопросительной форме?
I would like to tell you now I have resolved a conflict. The conflict was between me and my mother. I like sports, but my mus doesn't like when I spend lots of time doing sports. She has prohibited to go to my section. To solve this conflict, I was doing the following:
1. I have told my mum about benefits of sports
2. I have said that sport strengthens my health
3. I have shown a report card with good grades
4. I have promised to come home on time
5. I have spoken calmly and confidently
That day I could convince my mother that sport is a good thing. I hope my experience will be useful for your readers.
Best wishes,
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