Вправа 71. Утворіть питальну і заперечну форми. До одного з вибір) поставте п'ять типів запитань. 1. Education takes on many forms, from formal learning to e learning, 2 Higher education generally involves work towards a degree 3. Higher education includes teaching and research. 4. Secondary education occurs mainly during the teenage years. 5. Primary (or
elementary) education consists of the first 5-7 years of formal education.
6. The teacher gives the students assignments. 7. A student knows
standard requirements. 8. The pupils remember this rule. 9. They listen to the text in the language laboratory. 10. His mother teaches geography at school.
2. Don't envy the rich: money doesn't always bring happiness.
3. Governments have to develop social programs to help poor people.
4. I quite like old houses: they have an atmosphere of their own.
5. You don't look beautiful today!
6. Looking after the sick is a real art.
7. The beautiful are often admired.
8. Deaf people often use their hands to communicate in sign language.
9. Some of her relatives were among the dead and injured.
10. Have you ever been unemployed?
11. All parents want to see their children among the happy.