Passive Voice Present Past Future Indefinite Continuous Perfect Perfect Continuous am/are/is given am/are/is being given has/have been given - was/were given was/were being given had been given - shall/will be given - shall/will have been given - The Passive Voice образуется при вс глагола to be в соответствующем времени, лице и числе и причастия времени смыслового глагола Participle II:The Passive Voice to be + Participle II
Every day l do my homework . (ˈевэри) (дей) (ел) (ду) (май) (ˈхoумˌуёрк) . Iam every week to clean in theroom . Iam (ˈевэри) (уик) (тэ) (клин) (ин) theroom . Every Tuecday l do to the pool . (ˈевэри) Tuecday (ел) (ду) (тэ) (зэ) (пул) . I every summe l go to camp . (ай) (ˈевэри) summe (ел) (гoу) (тэ) (кэмп) . Yakezhduyn winter car skiing . Yakezhduyn (ˈуинтэр) (кар) (ˈскиин) . I watered the flowers of beads? (ай) (ˈуотёрд) (зэ) (ˈфлaуёрз) (эв) (бидз)? I every einter to ski ? (ай) (ˈевэри) einter (тэ) (ски) ? I an every week to clean in the roo ? (ай) (эн) (ˈевэри) (уик) (тэ) (клин) (ин) (зэ) roo ? Every day l do homrbrews mostlyob? (ˈевэри) (дей) (ел) (ду) homrbrews mostlyob? Every sumeer l go to camp ? (ˈевэри) sumeer (ел) (гoу) (тэ) (кэмп) ?
1.There is something sad in the fall, but at the same time romantic. 2.Autumn - is the perfect time to stroll and relax. 3.Weather turns wet and rainy. 4.But autumn gives us her last gifts of this year - mushrooms and berries, fruits and vegetables. 5.Forests and parks have already dressed in their autumn attire. 6.Leaves get all hues of yellow and red, and some are still green 7.Even the autumn air gets its own special flavor and becomes more transparent. 8.In autumn it rains 9.Sometimes the weather is good 10.The weather becomes cooler and you need to dress warmer.
Пассивный залог : глагол-связка be+ глагол в 3 форме. А глагольная связка завист от времени.