In our school TriLC celebrated Halloween. This is a very fun and unusual holiday. Everyone was dressed up in slightly strange costumes. Everyone in my class was a Ghost. I was laughing so hard, but no one could see my face. I was not a scary Ghost, but a kind one. I really liked the contests. I was also involved in one of them. It was necessary to extinguish the burning candle by shouting. I screamed, but I didn't stop it. I was given a prize - a beautiful big candy. Other contests were interesting, but I liked mine the most. Many of the students brought pumpkins with different grins carved on them. And I made a pumpkin, but very kind. My friend Sasha told me that my pumpkin is beautiful. I was very happy about it. When the holiday was over, we were given sweets. I didn't think I would have so many candies! I tried the sweets, they were very tasty! That's what a fun Halloween party we had at the best school on Earth!
4 сентября 2012 года в Департаменте Комитета Госсанэпиднадзора МЗ РК по ВКО состоялся первый штаб по гриппу (сезона 2012-2013), где были обсуждены вопросы подготовки и организации профилактических (противоэпидемических) мероприятий в предстоящем сезоне ОРВИ и гриппа.
В работе штаба, под председательством директора ДКГСЭН МЗ РК по ВКО Ерубаева Т.К., приняли участие заместитель начальника управления здравоохранения ВКО...
On September 4, 2012 in Department of Committee of Gossanepidnadzor of MZ RK on VKO the first staff on flu (a season 2012-2013) where questions of preparation and the organization of preventive (antiepidemic) actions in the forthcoming season of ORVI and flu were discussed took place.
In staff work, under the chairmanship of the director ДКГСЭН MZ RK on Erubayev T.K. VKO, took part the deputy head of department of health care of VKO...