Перевести -маша, сходи в магазин.-хорошо, мама.давай составим список покупок.-у нас нет капусты и моркови для супа.-можно купить печенье? -да, купить печенье и хлеб.
-Maria, go to the store(magazine). - Okay, Mom. Let's make a list of purchases. -We do not have cabbage and carrots for soup. -You can buy a cookie? - Yes, buy biscuits and bread.
1.I'm reading the book now - Present ContinuousI often read the book - Present SimpleI read the book yesterday. - Past Simple I've just read the book. - Present PerfectI'll read the book tomorrow. - Future SimpleI was reading the book from 7 to 9. - Present Continuous2.He is helping his mum now. - Present Continuous
He helps his mum on Sundays. - Present Simple
He helped his mum last Sunday. - Past Simple He has already helped his mum - Present Perfect He will help his mum next Sunday - Future Simple
1.I'm reading the book now - Present ContinuousI often read the book - Present SimpleI read the book yesterday. - Past Simple I've just read the book. - Present PerfectI'll read the book tomorrow. - Future SimpleI was reading the book from 7 to 9. - Present Continuous2.He is helping his mum now. - Present Continuous
He helps his mum on Sundays. - Present Simple
He helped his mum last Sunday. - Past Simple He has already helped his mum - Present Perfect He will help his mum next Sunday - Future Simple
Masha, go to the shop please!
Ok, mum
Let's arrange the shopping list
We have not a cabbage and carrots for soup
Can I buy some cookie?
Yes, buy some cookie and a loaf of bread