1-reports-Present Simple Active
Does the work manager report on results at the annual general meeting?
2-telephoned- Past Simple Active
Did you telephone the supplies yesterday?
3 is typing-Present Continuous Active
Is Alice typing a letter now?
4 has told-Present Perfect Active
Has the secretary just told us about Mr.Green's departure?
5 had done-Past Perfect Active
Had we done the design work by August?
Поставить вопросы к выделенным словам невозможно, т.к. вы не выделили слова.
1 produce
2 was studying
3 had
4 will obtain
5 Ann has never been to...
2 I was wondering if I could ask you a few questions.
3 Could you tell me what the man looked like?
4 Do you know how much there was in the wallet?
5 Can you tell me if you had seen the man before?
6 I was wondering why you didn't call the police then.
7 Could you tell me where you got off the bus?
8 Do you know what time it was?
1) Can you tell me what was stolen from the museum?
Our readers wanted to know what had been stolen from the museum.
2) Do you know how many people broke into the museum?
My boss asked me how many people had broken into the museum.
3) Do you think you will be able to catch the thieves?
Our readers wondered if you would be able to catch the thieves.