It’s impossible to imagine our life without mass media. TV, radio, newspapers, magazines are everywhere. Around us all the time, they have a strong influence on our mood, feelings, ideas, attitudes to life and politics. But the mass media offer both advantages and disadvantages.
Of course, radio, television and the press are valuable; not without reason are the mass media known to be the fourth estate. Firstly, we always get the latest news, to say nothing of the fact that we can get everything we want from the internet in a few minutes. Secondly, weather forecasts can warn of different natural disasters; so the mass media help people to avoid harm and losses. Then, there is the possibility of having a good time: it’s wonderful to relax sitting in an armchair in front of the screen or reading some newspapers. Nowadays, lots of entertaining, female, musical and fashion magazines, and different TV and radio programs, help us to relax. But there are some drawbacks of the mass media.
Sometimes I look at various newspapers and magazines, watch TV-news, and I suppose the main disadvantage of them is the amount of negative information they portray. Watching the news we learn primarily about wars, crimes, disasters and accidents. I find gossip another minus of the mass media... To cut a long story short, all the negative and false information can cause stress and a bad mood. And finally, TV and computers have a harmful effect on people. The majority of teenagers don’t read books and never visit theatres. I want to add that TV and computers can spoil one’s health.
1. Many mills and factories generate waste and dump it into the rivers. This way (или so) the water in the rivers becomes toxic. 2. Holes in the ozone layer are very dangerous for people: ultraviolet radiation passes through them and reaches the Earth. Such radiation can cause dangerous illnesses. 3. The population of many countries suffers from water shortage (или the lack of water). 4. Nuclear weapons are capable of causing horrific destruction on our planet. Nuclear power plants are not as "clean", as some may presume: they are the reason for radiation pollution. 5. The environment is everything you see around you. Nowadays, people understand that it is necessary to keep it clean if mankind wants to survive.
D. Kennedy said, "Don't ask what your country did for you, but ask what you have done for your country". I think he is absolutely right. Before demanding something from your country, it is necessary for you to give a part of yourselves to your Motherland. You must make sure that you have done everything that your country become even richer and more beautiful. And we need to finish school well, get a good education and start to work for our people and country. Д. Кеннеди говорил : "Не спрашивайте что ваша страна сделала для вас, но спросите что вы сделали для вашей страны". Я считаю, что он абсолютно прав. Прежде, чем требовать чего-то он своей страны, надо отдать частицу себя своей Родине, сделать все, чтобы она стала еще богаче и красивее. А для этого нужно хорошо окончить школу, получить хорошее образование и начать трудиться для своего народа и своей страны.
It’s impossible to imagine our life without mass media. TV, radio, newspapers, magazines are everywhere. Around us all the time, they have a strong influence on our mood, feelings, ideas, attitudes to life and politics. But the mass media offer both advantages and disadvantages.
Of course, radio, television and the press are valuable; not without reason are the mass media known to be the fourth estate. Firstly, we always get the latest news, to say nothing of the fact that we can get everything we want from the internet in a few minutes. Secondly, weather forecasts can warn of different natural disasters; so the mass media help people to avoid harm and losses. Then, there is the possibility of having a good time: it’s wonderful to relax sitting in an armchair in front of the screen or reading some newspapers. Nowadays, lots of entertaining, female, musical and fashion magazines, and different TV and radio programs, help us to relax. But there are some drawbacks of the mass media.
Sometimes I look at various newspapers and magazines, watch TV-news, and I suppose the main disadvantage of them is the amount of negative information they portray. Watching the news we learn primarily about wars, crimes, disasters and accidents. I find gossip another minus of the mass media... To cut a long story short, all the negative and false information can cause stress and a bad mood. And finally, TV and computers have a harmful effect on people. The majority of teenagers don’t read books and never visit theatres. I want to add that TV and computers can spoil one’s health.