БЛИН НАДО ВЫБРАТЬ ОДНО ИЗ СЛОВ Dose the correct option 1 Carbon dioxide is dangerous because it catches/traps
heat in the Earth's atmosphere.
2 Arctic polar bears are in danger/threat of losing their natural habitat.
3 Global warming is causing the Earth to rise up/heat
4 Power plants burn fossil fuels/gases like coal to create energy.
5 Dangerous gases like carbon dioxide hold/surround
the planet.
6 The ice blankets/sheets
that cover Greenland and Antarctica are melting rapidly.
weather-related natural
7 Scientists believe that global warming may be the cause of extreme/hard disasters such as floods.
From the Tea Party on the right to the Trump resistance on the left, citizen activism has helped change American politics in recent years. If politics is a conversation, every American has a voice. Here’s how you can use yours more effectively.
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