Read each of the statements and choose an appropriate sentence in brackets that a) makes it logical
b) makes it illogical
Fill in the table below.
0. I love sunny weather, so
[I like the rain. / I don't like the rain.]
1. I love trying out new foods when I am on holiday, so
[I always eat at MacDonald’s. / I try the local cuisine.]
2. It is really cold in here, let's
[open the windows! / close the windows!]
3. There's always something exciting to do in my city, so when I'm free
[I always sleep./ my friends and I meet each other down town.]
4. Everybody has the right to an education,
[excluding boys and girls./ including boys and girls.]
5. [There are no lakes in Kazakhstan/ There are beautiful lakes in Kazakhstan]
and many people like to visit the Alakol lake in summer.
6. My mother likes to drive fast when we're on holiday and she often reaches speeds of
[20 kph./ 160 kph.]
7. [I am not really/ I am really] a dog-person so my poodle goes everywhere with me.
8. The people of our town love clean beaches, that's why we
[leave our rubbish right here on the beach./ clean up our rubbish before we leave.]
9. I cannot wait for the summer holidays,
[it's the worst part of the year./ it's the best part of the year]
Я люблю лето.Погода обычно теплая. Иногда бывает жарко. Небо голубое. Светит солнце. Мы можем плавать и нырять. Я обычно катаюсь на велосипеде. И у нас нет никаких уроков летом. У нас каникулы.
Summer is my favorite season.
Лето - мое любимое время года.
In summer days are the longest and nights are the shortest.
Летом дни самые длинные, а ночи самые короткие.It is often hot in summer.
Летом часто бывает жарко.
Summer is the warmest season of the year.
Лето - самое теплое время года.
The grass is green and many flowers bloom in summer.
Летом трава зеленая и расцветают многие цветы.
People wear light clothes in summer: shorts, t-shirts, short sleeved tops and dresses.
Летом люди одевают легкую одежду: шорты, футболки, рубашки* и платья с коротким рукавом.