Как мертвый, как Додо. Вы никогда не видели додо. Друзья и учителя видели дронт. Ваши дедушка и бабушка никогда не видели дронта. Последняя из этих больших птиц-птиц умерла много лет назад. Додо жило на острове Маврикий. Корабль прибыл на тот остров и нашел этих больших толстых птиц. Додос не мог летать, но они не боялись Людей. Посетители Маврикия убили всех додо на острове. К 1690-м годам в мире не было додо. В настоящее время вы можете увидеть только кости этих птиц и их фотографии. История додо очень печальна и показывает, насколько опасен человек и насколько легко уничтожить дикую природу.
Jason was standing on the bridge. His new bicycle was splashed with mud and Jason felt annoyed and angry. A boy, a bit younger than Jason, came up to the bridge to cross it. “Hey! It’s my bridge,” said Jason in a (1)_threatening__voice. “If you want to cross it, give me your pocket money”. He was not a bully; he just wanted to see if the boy would pay. The boy was (2) was frightened___. He looked around, but there was nobody to (3) defend__ him. He was afraid to (4) fight___with the bully, and turned the pockets inside out.Next day it was the same story. That time Jason (5) picked up___a shy little boy. Several days later Jason did not feel ashamed at all, he even enjoyed (6) bullying__.Jason was at his usual place on the bridge. His new bicycle was glittering in the sun beside him. “Hey!” a tall youngster was coming up to him. “It’s my street and don’t let anybody cycle here. You’ve broken the rule you will be punished. Your bike will be mine.” He wasn’t a (7) bully_, he just wanted to see if Jason would give him his bike.