There are plans to launch a local Animals Project in our town and I am writing to explain why I am for the project.
Fist of all,i think that it's a great idea because whole families would be able to visit this place together, kids will know much more about animals and their lives.
Secondly, It would be a great opportunity for people to become familiar with the nature. of course we know much from the internet, but it's not the same to watch the animals on the screen and to see them alive.
I hope you will pay attention to my opinion. Many people in uor town share it.
Яхочу стать фермером. я люблю животных,люблю деревенский образ жизни. у моей бабушки есть корова. я часто бабуле её доить.молока у бурёнки много, и бабушке тяжело, устают её старые больные руки. я с удовольствием дою бурёнушку, сепарировать молоко, сбивать масло, делать творог и варить сыр. сколько всего можно сделать из молока! я решила, что это станет делом моей жизни. я буду хозяйкой огромной фермы. у меня будет много дойных коров. все жители деревни будут трудиться на ферме и получать достойную зарплату. у меня будет и своя фабрика по производству молочной продукции. мои продукты будут самыми вкусными и качественными!
Dear Sir,
There are plans to launch a local Animals Project in our town and I am writing to explain why I am for the project.
Fist of all,i think that it's a great idea because whole families would be able to visit this place together, kids will know much more about animals and their lives.
Secondly, It would be a great opportunity for people to become familiar with the nature. of course we know much from the internet, but it's not the same to watch the animals on the screen and to see them alive.
I hope you will pay attention to my opinion. Many people in uor town share it.
Yours faithfully,