Between two boys. On the subject of who goes where after high school. Use some of the following phrases.improve knowledge of Russian/English/physics/geography/mathematics / history/biology/chemistry/information technology etcI need friendly advice/I need to talk.You seem a little confused.What happened?You thought about options?I can't afford...My results matterengage in coursesget up on the stairs/Elevatorto be more concentratedtake a student loansave moneyoffer training or opportunitieskeep an open mind (things)
My favourite sport is football. I have been playing it since i was five.(Мой любимый вид спорта - футбол. Я играю в него с пяти лет) I play every Monday and Friday at the school stadium. I do not play myself, i play with my friends.(Я играю каждый пн и пт на школьном стадионе. Я играю не один, а со своими друзьями). Generally i am the goalkeeper. I defend the gates.(Вообще, я вратарь. Я защищаю врата) To protect the gates i need a special gloves. So cathcing the boll does not hurt.(Чтоб защищать врата, мне нужны специальные рукавицы. Так не будет больно ловить мяч)I enjoy it, because the football - it is health and strength. It is my life.(Я наслаждаюсь этим занятием, потому что футбол - это здоровье и сила. Это моя жизнь)