Review of summative assessment for term2
The content of the summative assessment for the 2 term should be selected on topics “Entertainment and Media” and “Sport, Health and Exercise”.
Task 1. Read the statements, then write down short essay according to these statements .
The power of advertising over kids
1. Advertising has an influence on everyone in one way or another, but it especially has had an influence on children.
2. Advertising influences children’s choice of toys. If a television commercial displays children laughing and playing, children think it must be a great toy, regardless of the type. For example, my three old desperately wants a skateboard for Christmas. Every time he sees a skateboard commercial, he gets excited. He believes that if he had a skateboard, he would instantly have the same fun and skill as the boys on television.
3. Another influence advertising has had is on the clothes children want to wear. Clothes from Wal-Mart and K-Mart are no longer satisfactory. Brand names such as GAP, Tommy Hilfiger, and American Eagle are much more appealing to them. My teenage daughter is constantly looking through catalogs and magazines, examining each outfit down to the last detail. She continuously wants to change her wardrobe to keep up with the latest fashion trends and most popular brand names.
4. Last, advertising influences the food children want to eat. Cartoon characters are placed on boxes of foods such as crackers and cereal to influence young children.
5. As long as companies to target our youth with advertising jingles, slogans, and cartoon characters, children and teenagers will continue to be influenced by the product with the most advertising appeal.
Task 2. Read the text, answer to these questions on your copy book .
Cave People coming our way
A new reality TV show called Cave People will be on our screens next year. Twelve celebrities (their names won’t be revealed before the programme actually starts) will be taken to a place somewhere in the mountains of Wales.
They will live in a cave, with no modern equipment or food at all, although each star will be allowed to take one personal item. The star will be filmed 24 hours a day-hunting for animals in the nearby forest, looking for wood and learning to make fire. Six times a day, there will be clips on TV showing the most interesting scenes. Viewers at home will vote each week for the person who
has to leave.
The star who survives all this will pick up 1,000,000 pounds for charity and a recording contract for a CD.
Answer the questions.
1. Who will be the contestants in the programme?
2. Where are they going to live?
3. What will each contestant be able to take with them?
1. Why are some people not interested in sport?
2. Do you prefer playing or watching sports?
3. How often do you read sports news?
4. Would you like to play sport for a living?
5. Do you have good or bad experiences with sports at school?
6. How many hours of sport a week should children do at school?
7. What are some sports you like watching? Why?
8. Do you prefer watching sports at the stadium, at home on TV, or in a bar on a giant screen?
9.Why do so many people like sport?
10. What is your country’s national sport? Do you like it?
11. Do you play any sports these days? If not, how do you get exercise?
12. Which is the most dangerous sport? What kind of injuries occur when people play it?
13. Is sport an important part of education? What does it teach us?
14. Who is your all-time favorite sportsperson?
15. What do you think about crazy sports fans? Do you dress up to support your
2- никто не мог перевести это текст
3. Он должен сделать эту задачу сразу.
4. Должен ли я присутствовать на этой встрече? - Нет, вы не должны.
5. Вы должны были показать свои заметки к учителю.
6. Я спросил его, но он не хотел меня слушать.
7. Они должны посетить ее, она находится в больнице.
летом мы часто ходим в стране.
9.Ваш сын может делать сам эту работу.
10.Не могли бы вы рассказать мне путь к станции?
11.Твой друг, возможно, сообщил нам.
12.Можно я оставлю на некоторое время? - Да, ты можешь.
13 Она должна быть более внимательными на уроках.