My favourite writer
I love to read books written by different writers. My favourite writer is Chingiz Aitmatov. I have read almost all of the books written by him. I like them very much, but most of all I like his first novel "Jamila".
Chingiz Aitmatov wrote in simple language but he made readers think about serious things: about love and friendship, the trials and heroism of wartime, about history and traditions. That is why Chingiz Aitmatov became my favourite writer.
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Киев - один из древнейших городов Украины.Точная дата его основания неизвестна, однако, по мнению археологов, он появился еще в 6-7 веке нашей эры. По старинной легенде его основали три брата - Кий, Щек и Хорив, а также их сестра Лебедь. Киев стал колыбелью, своеобразным центром, из которого возникло мощное государство Киевская Русь.Сейчас Киев - это современная европейская столица с высокими небоскребами и торговыми центрами, обилием парков и скверов. Киев богат музеями и библиотеками, институтами и университетами. В нем размещаются все центральные органы власти, такие как Верховная Рада и Администрация Президента.В Киеве огромное количество школ, гимназий, лицеев, около 70 вузов. Киев - замечательный город, прекрасная столица Украины. Он сочетает в себе историческое и динамичное настоящее.
Kiev - one of the oldest cities Ukrainy.Tochnaya date of its foundation is unknown, but, according to archaeologists, he appeared in the 6-7 century AD. According to ancient legend, it was founded by three brothers - Kiy, Scheck and Horeb, and their sister Swan. Kiev was the cradle, a center from which emerged a powerful state Rus.Seychas Kiev Kiev - is a modern European city with tall skyscrapers and shopping centers, an abundance of parks and gardens. Kiev is rich in museums and libraries, institutes and universities. It is where all the central authorities, such as the Parliament and the Administration Prezidenta.V Kiev, a huge number of schools, high schools, high schools, 70 high schools. Kiev - a wonderful city, a beautiful capital city of Ukraine. It combines historic past and dynamic present.