293. Исправь ошибку. . 1. All of us not like doing a lot of homework.
2. Adventurers love to go on dangerous trips.
3. Young children enjoy to play with pets.
4. He took a lot of pictures, so I think he doesn't hate to take them.
5. Tikhon hate making "LEGO".
6. I likes playing the guitar.
7. Sam don't like watching cartoons.
8. Ann and Kate hates knitting.
you need to translate the text into English.
The story begins with the fact that the old Mayor had a strange dream and that he wants to tell him to other animals. They agreed on a secret meeting in the barn at night. When night came and all the animals had already taken their places in the barn, the old Major (a pig who was 12 years old) began his story. Before telling about the dream, he said that he wants to bequeath to them all his acquired wisdom. Further he says that the life of animals is unhappy, short-lived and full of labor, that no animal in England enjoys freedom and their life is a complete slavery. He reiterated that man is the only enemy who forces them to work and poorly feeds or even sells. And that a person does not serve any interests other than his own. And the covenant of the old Major is an uprising. He is sure that sooner or later justice will prevail. He said: "All people are enemies, all animals are comrades." He said that even when they win, they should not take human vices. For example, sleeping in bed, wearing clothes.
Then he talks about his dream. The dream was about the land, what it will become, when there is no man. Then the old Major sang a song called "cattle English." But with their singing, they woke up the farmer Jonas and he grabbed his gun and ran out into the yard.
Three nights later the Major dies. Then the animals decided that it was their duty to prepare for the uprising. And it turned out that the uprising occurred much earlier and much easier than anyone expected. On Saturday, Jonas went to Willingdon and returned only by noon on Sunday. By evening the animals were still not fed. They could not stand it and rushed into the barn and began to weave food. Immediately John's farmer woke up and his workers began to whip the animals. But the animals started kicking and pushing Jonas and his workers. Almost immediately they stopped defending themselves and ran away, and Jonach's wife jumped out of the bedroom window. And on the wall they