Написать сочинение на тему «Чем отличается Рождество у нас(в Украине) и у англоязычных напишите и про оленей, типо «у санты есть ? оленей и первого зовут Рудольф и т д )На английском, предложений 10 не меньше. ОЧЕНЬ УМОЛЯЮ!
"What is the difference between Christmas in our country and in English-speaking countries? '"We call Christmas New Year, and unlike in English-speaking countries, we do not decorate houses and streets so much in honor of this holiday. It's much warmer here than there, and the atmosphere of the New Year is a little worse, but we we traditionally decorate the table with different dishes: red caviar, meat, salads. We also congratulate each other, classmates of parents and even colleagues! But we do not give such gifts as is customary in America only to the closest people.
Alexander Sergeevich Griboedov. Alexander Sergeevich Griboedov, the famous Russian diplomat and writer, was a many-sided personality. He was born on the 4th of January in 1795. Griboedov graduated from three departments of Moscow University. After the war of 1812 Griboedov lived in Belorussia where he got interested in theatre. In 1823-1824 he wrote his immortal comedy " Woe from Wit ". In 1828 he gor married on Georgian Princess Nina Chavchavadze, the daughter of Griboedov,s old friend - Alexander Chavchavadze. So, he was murdered in January 1829 by religious fanatics, who attacked the Russian embasy.
My favorite holiday is a New Year.I like this holiday because I recieve presents.I celebrate this holiday with my family.We decorate the flat and a New Year tree.We cook different dishes.Then we visit friends and relatives. We sit at the table and watch TV.After 0.00 o'clock we give presents. Перевод: Мой любимый праздник Новый Год.Я люблю этот праздник потому что получаю подарки.Я праздную этот праздник со своей семьей. Мы украшаем квартиру и Рождественскую ёлку.Мы готовим разные блюда.После мы приглашаем друзей и родственников.Мы сидим за столом и смотрим телевизор. После 0.00 часов мы дарим подарки.
"What is the difference between Christmas in our country and in English-speaking countries? '"We call Christmas New Year, and unlike in English-speaking countries, we do not decorate houses and streets so much in honor of this holiday. It's much warmer here than there, and the atmosphere of the New Year is a little worse, but we we traditionally decorate the table with different dishes: red caviar, meat, salads. We also congratulate each other, classmates of parents and even colleagues! But we do not give such gifts as is customary in America only to the closest people.