my country. I would like to do people's life better. I would like to get homes for the people who
don't have homes or give money to people to buy homes. I would build plants and factories to
give people work. I would help to create more jobs and help to improve our economy I would
build a lot of hospitals in my country. Health care service would be free in my country. I would
strengthen our educational system. I would build new schools, new gyms, and cinemas in my
country. I would like to make my country very beautiful. Every person must be happy in my
country. He must have a well paid job, his home, family, and children. He must be healthy and
educated. So If I were the president I would like to do everything to make all people happy in my
country. I know it is difficult but I would do my best
Неопределенное время - to live, to swim, to lie
Настоящее время - live, swim, lie
время - lived, swam, lay
Не глагол, времени в себе не несет - living, swimming, lying
(если я правильно понял, нужно проспрягать по времени?)