I'd like to find a job in a summer cafe, certainly one of a waitress. I'll surf the Net to find websites that offer summer vacancies in part-time jobs for teenagers. I think working as a waitress in a cafe could teach me to communicate with people, and also to follow the instructions. I'll have an earning experience as well. Doing it as a voluntary job would be fair but not really practical. I think I'll do it well because I can easily understand what I'm meant to do and I'm able to do things quickly, and I'm a good communicator. However, I have no experience in working as a waitress yet, neither in doing any real job - so I don't have any professional skills. But I'm hard-working, and that's what actually matters.
They usually play football on Sundays. – Они обычно играют в футбол по воскресеньям.
Mark rarely visits his retarted brother. – Марк редко навещает своего умственно отсталого брата.
He doesn’t drive car very often. – Он нечасто водит машину.
Mary speaks Italian but she doesn’t speak Spanish. – Мэри говорит по-итальянски, но она не говорит по-испански.
What time does the train arrive in London? – Во сколько поезд прибывает в Лондон?
Who helps you to decorate the house? – Кто тебе украсить дом?
John likes to sing, doesn't he ? – Джон любит петь, не так ли?
Doesn’t he play the guitar well? – Разве он не хорошо играет на гитаре?