Аnswering the questions. 1 what sports do you do? 2 what football team do you support? 3 what is the most popular game in your country (in britain, the usa)? 4 what sport games can be played all the year round? 5 what summer (winter) sports do you prefer? 6 what is the difference between 'a sport' and 'a game? 7 what sports and games do you know? 8 what games take the first place in public interest? 9 what is the great national sport in england? 10 what outstanding sportsmen of our country do you know? 11 where were the first (last) olympic games held? 12 what do spectators do al the stadium? 13 who usually likes tobogganing? 14 do you play draughts (chess)? 15 do you attend hockey matches? 16 do we have champions in all kinds of sport? 17 in what season is cricket played? 18 what is the reason for smaller popularity of football in britain? 19 what kind of game is cricket as compared to football?
1) I love to play sports, but in particular I'm interested in tennis, soccer and swimming.
7)I have known sports such as swimming, skating, tennis, armrestling, different kindsof struggle, the list is endless, I know these games: football, volleyball, basketball, etc. 8)In my opinion the public is increasingly prefer football because of the global matches, sometimes watching more than half of our world. 9)Football - a national sport in England. It plays an important role in england culture. 10)Of the outstanding Russian athletes I can allocate athletes such as Alina Kabaeva, Valeri Kharlamov, Andrei Arshavin, Lev Yashin and many others ... 11)The last Olympic Games were held in 2012. 12)The stadium spectators cheer for your favorite athletes. 13)Usually carried out on a sled dog race.2) I am a fan of Zenit
3) The most popular game in our country is hockey.
4) In my opinion all year round you can play chess, because it is also considered a sport.
5) In the summer I like cycling, swimming, and winter skate, play hockey.
6) The difference between the two concepts is that the sport itself helps us to keep in shape, thanks to him we have a good figure, and if we for example once a year going to get to play football in the summer, it is possible to name just a game.
14)I love the free time to play checkers and chess.
15)If possible, I attend hockey games.
16)Of course, they are many.
17)Cricket is played in the summer.
18)Football players allowed to pay in 1885, and within a few years the power in English football clubs to capture the north of England, where the players were paid more.
19)In cricket, other rules of the game and dominated by a very small bit of the ball.