1. B. lives
2. C. every
3. A. always
4. C. are
5. A. go
6. C. have
7. C. love
8. C. twice
1. Present Simple. Она живет там всегдa. К глаголу с местоимениями He\She\It добавляется -s.
2. I visit her EVERY summer. - я приезжаю к ней каждое лето. On здесь не подходит, т.к вместе с временами года используется In.
3. Present Simple.
4. глагол to be :
Are - You\We\They
Am - I
Is - He\She\It
Mum and Dad = They.
5. 1. это не Present Continuous,чтобы глагол был с ing.
2. с We к глаголу не ставится -s.
6. Опять же это не Present Continuous.
He\she\It - has
You\We\They\I - have
7. 1. Это Present Simple. 2. love - глагол состояния,он не употребляется с Present Continuous.
8. two- два; double-двойной; twice - дважды\ два раза( в неделю)
1. You can watch TV, but in moderation. It impairs vision
2. You can learn a lot of new and interesting things that will lead you to new achievements
3.Many people have different ideas about TV and gadgets in general, but something useful can be learned from everything. This is the personal opinion of each person.
4.Yes, I'm pretty sure of that. Television can teach something, learn something new
5. This is the personal opinion of each person. I want to share mine. TV expands our horizons and imaginations, it can also teach or relax after a hard day at school. The main thing is to do everything in moderation.
1)This room wasnt used last year.
2)The children are very excited this morning, They will be taken to the theatre tonight.
3)My keys were returned to me. They were picked up in the street.
4)Bicycles must not be left in the hall.
5)He willbe taken to hospital tomorrow and will be operated on the day after tomorrow.
6)There was nobody on the road, but the girl was afraid. She thought she was followed.
7)Your dress is dirty. It must be cleaned.