ðɪs ɪz maɪ njuː ˈklɑːsmeɪt Aigul frɒm ˈkɪəgɪzˌstɑːn.wɛn ʃiː sɪŋz,hɜːr əˈmeɪzɪŋ vɔɪs,assompanied baɪ ðə komuz (ə ˈnæʃənl ˈmjuːzɪkəl ˈɪnstrʊmənts),meɪks maɪ skɪn krawl.ɪt wɒz hɜː ˈgrænˌmʌðə huː tɔːt hɜː tuː pleɪ ðə komuz.sɪns ðɛn,ʃiː hæz sʌŋ Kyrguz fəʊk sɒŋz ænd lɜːnt tuː pleɪ kuus (ə ˈmjuːzɪk ˈ(d)ʒɑːŋrə ðæt ˈɒf(ə)n ɪksˈprɛsɪz ðə dramatis ænd ˈlɪrɪkəl ˈməʊmənts ɒv Kyrguz ˈkʌlʧə).mɔːˈrəʊvə,Aigul knaws ə lɒt ɒv ˈlɛʤəndz əˈbaʊt hɜː ˈkʌntri.ɪn ˈaʊə ˈhɪstəri klɑːs,ʃiː tɛlz ʌs ˈɪntrɪstɪŋ ˈlɛʤəndz ænd fækts əˈbaʊt hɜː ˈkʌntri.
Зис ис май ньу классмэйт Айгуль фром Кыргызстан. Вэн щи сингс, хёр эмэзинг войс, акомпэниед бай зэ комуз (э нашинол мьюзикал инструментс), мэйкс май скин кров. Ит вос хёр грандмозер вху тат хёр ту плэй зэ комуз. Синкс зэн, щи хас санг кыргыз фолк сонгс анд лёрнэд ту плэй куус (э мьюзик дженр зат офтен экспресэс зэ драматис энд лирикал моментс оф Кыргыз культур). Моровэр, Айгуль навс э лот оф лэгендс эбаут хёр кантри. Ин аур Хистори класс, щи телс ас интерестинг лэгендс энд фактс эбаут хёр кантри.
Sweden is a country that does not flaunt its merits. Nevertheless, she has something to be proud of. First of all, it is the unique nature of Sweden. This is the tundra of Lapland, which some still consider to be some kind of fictional country, but which actually exists. By the way, you can often see herds of reindeer here.
These are islands in the Botanical Bay, numerous lakes and green hills, as well as the Norrbotten rocks and the Scandinavian mountains. Winters here are not as severe as one might think - in some regions the temperature in winter rises to + 1C, but the local summer cannot be called hot either.
The center of concentration of man-made sights of Sweden is undoubtedly its capital - Stockholm. The very location of the city is very unusual and interesting. Stockholm is located on fourteen islands connected by bridges. This city is the official seat of the Nobel Committee. It houses the Nobelmuseet, the Royal Theater in Stockholm hosts the Nobel laureates every year, and the town hall hosts a gala banquet in their honor. Here is the residence of the Swedish king himself - the Royal Palace (Kungliga Slottet), and next to the Armory (Livrustkammaren) and the Treasury (Skattkammaren).