It’s difficult to imagine our life without shops. Every day we do shopping. There are different kinds of shops. They are butcher’s, baker’s greengrocer’s where we buy meat, bread, different fruit and vegetables or clothing shops where different clothes can be bought. Nowadays supermarkets and department stores are becoming more popular where people can reserve time and find a necessary good. Some people go to the market. As for me I prefer going to the market because I am a poor student but I have many friends who prefer the department store to a market. I’d like to tell you about my neighbour. He prefers Department store in Kostroma. Where there are many departments in it. The shop sells all kinds of goods for both men and women and it has many departments. In every department there is a good selection of goods. It takes a little time to buy a necessary thing. So all this goods are of good quality and so they are very expensive. My friend adores doing shopping in the department store. As for me I dislike this shop. The service is much to desired. I think that shop assistant must help to choose good things because I have no much money I have to go to the market. On one hand market goods are cheaper on the other hand I am not sure in their quality. To tell the truth I don’t like to go shopping. My mother or grandmother do shopping in my family. They do their shopping at the market because meals are always fresh and not expensive here. They buy al necessary food. But sometimes I have go to the shop if my relatives are very busy. I take a bag and go to the nearby shop. Advertisements play a very important role in our life. They often help me to make my choice. At first I read advertisements in newspapers or watch them on TV and then go to the shop. To my mind advertisements are of good adviser. We can discuss this topic very long because shops are essential part of our life.
Pharmacy a pharmacy is establishment, carrying out storage, preparation and vacation(sale) of medicinal facilities, bandaging materials, articles of sanitation, hygiene and care of patients, facilities of disinfection and other of commodities honey. setting. the sale of medications is produced on recipes or without recipes in accordance with the special lists of medications. in grew. federations distinguish а. municipal and rural, hospital(in composition hospitals), interhospital(for providing of a few hospitals), homoeopathic and department(soldiery and other); budgetary and self-supporting. depending on the volume of work distinguish a few categories of а., in accordance with that set their states, sizes of areas and necessary equipment. in а. present trading floor or compounding and productions, apartment - assistant, aseptic(for making of injection solutions and eye drops), deep blue, sterilization, washing, расфасовочная, material rooms(for storage of medications and other of commodities),
Итс вэри бд ту мис лэссонс-плохо опаздывать на уроки. уы спэнт ауа лэст саммэ холидэйс трэвелин уы уэнт эброуд-мы провели каникулы прошлого лета путешествием. ай уэнт шоппин энд спэнт э лот оф тайм зэя зэтс уай ай миссэд э гуд фильм он тиви-я гуляла по магазинам и проводила много времени перед телевизором. фазэ гэйв ми э камера эс э бёрздэй прэзэнт-папа подарил мне на день рождение камеру. туморроу айл гоу ту скул энд тэйк э лот оф пистэрс-завтра я пойду в школу и возьму много рисунков. удачи!
It’s difficult to imagine our life without shops. Every day we do shopping. There are different kinds of shops. They are butcher’s, baker’s greengrocer’s where we buy meat, bread, different fruit and vegetables or clothing shops where different clothes can be bought. Nowadays supermarkets and department stores are becoming more popular where people can reserve time and find a necessary good. Some people go to the market. As for me I prefer going to the market because I am a poor student but I have many friends who prefer the department store to a market. I’d like to tell you about my neighbour. He prefers Department store in Kostroma. Where there are many departments in it. The shop sells all kinds of goods for both men and women and it has many departments. In every department there is a good selection of goods. It takes a little time to buy a necessary thing. So all this goods are of good quality and so they are very expensive. My friend adores doing shopping in the department store. As for me I dislike this shop. The service is much to desired. I think that shop assistant must help to choose good things because I have no much money I have to go to the market. On one hand market goods are cheaper on the other hand I am not sure in their quality. To tell the truth I don’t like to go shopping. My mother or grandmother do shopping in my family. They do their shopping at the market because meals are always fresh and not expensive here. They buy al necessary food. But sometimes I have go to the shop if my relatives are very busy. I take a bag and go to the nearby shop. Advertisements play a very important role in our life. They often help me to make my choice. At first I read advertisements in newspapers or watch them on TV and then go to the shop. To my mind advertisements are of good adviser. We can discuss this topic very long because shops are essential part of our life.