1 Pests such as green flies can damage crops.
2 Both organic and non-organic food can provide you with the vitamins you need.
3 Organic farmers don't use antibiotics to treat infections.
4 Synthetic hormones are used by some farmers to increase the size of their animals.
5 Check the label to make sure the produce is organic.
6 My school replaced all soft drinks with organic juice.
7 Genetically-modified crops can grow much faster than organic ones.
8 Take care of yourself by eating healthy food.
9 Try not to eat food that contains many chemicals.
задание 5
I prefer watching detective films.They're incredible and little bit scary,so exciting.What's your favorite type of film?What do you prefer to watch now?
I'd prefer to watch sciencefiction one.They're amazing!
задание 6
What's up,Ronnie!
I just wanted to tell you about something!
What is it,Ronnie?
I just bought a CD of my favorite actor and the movie "London has fallen" we should watch it, don't you think?
Oh,I'm afraid not.To be honest, I don't like crime movies.
Really?I didn't know.What do you prefer then?
Hmm, how about a fantastic Avengers movie?
And this is a great idea!Okay, I'm done with the movie, you're done with the snacks!
Understood, accepted!