So, it was long time ago but I still remeber that day. Well, that was supposed to be a sunny day at least I thought so. I woke up at 7 AM as usual and turned on the TV. There was a channel called Perviy Kanal and there was a TV show called " Moscow weather forecast". So, I started watching that and there was a prediction like: "Today is going to be a sunny day you might wear something like shorts", I was all like: "yeah, thats good I'm going do this." I put on my shorts and went for a walk and then it immediately started raining. I was so angry and never was going to listen to weather forecast
ахах, не знаю, чето написал, писал быстро что приходило в голову
1.The students have made good progress in their English for the last three months, haven't they?. Yes, they have. 2. He does not know the matter in detail, does he? No, he doesn't. 3. The train will not be crowded now, will it? Yes, it will. 4. That was the main problem, wasn't that? Yes, it was. 5. We shall have no interpreter, shall we? No, we shan't. 6. Bobrov is an efficient worker, isn't he? Yes, he is. 7. They are advertising the new model, aren't they? Yes, they are. 8. You have seen the advertisement, haven't you? No, I haven't. 9. He has seen the machine-tool in operation, hasn't he? Yes, he has.
Я уверен, удачи♡♡♡)))