Я не знаю, подойдет ли, но примерно как-то так: 1) Their ship got a a request for help from strangers. - Их корабль получил о от незнакомцев. 2) I think children can use English to communicate with the aliens. Because English is widespread on Earth, and probably in space, too. - Я думаю, дети могут использовать английский для общения с пришельцами. Потому что английский очень распространен на земле и, вероятно, в космосе тоже. 3) Children should try to find the similarity of an unknown language with known languages and to make special table. - Дети должны попробовать найти сходство неизвестного языка с известными им и составить специальные таблицы.
Her name is Molly. She is thirty-five. My mother is a businesswoman. Molly is a very busy woman. She goes to work five times a week. My mother and I like to go to the country. There I usually dig in the garden and Molly waters the flowers. Yesterday it was Saturday and my mother didn't go to work. We went for a walk in the park. There we played table-tennis. Now I am writing a letter to my friend and my mother is washing up.
1. What is the mother’s name? 2. How old is Molly? 3. What is her job? 4. How many times a week does Molly go to work? 5. Where do they like to go? 6. What do they like to do in the country? 7. What did mother do yesterday? 8. What did she do in the park yesterday? 9. What are they doing now?
1) Their ship got a a request for help from strangers. - Их корабль получил о от незнакомцев.
2) I think children can use English to communicate with the aliens. Because English is widespread on Earth, and probably in space, too. - Я думаю, дети могут использовать английский для общения с пришельцами. Потому что английский очень распространен на земле и, вероятно, в космосе тоже.
3) Children should try to find the similarity of an unknown language with known languages and to make special table. - Дети должны попробовать найти сходство неизвестного языка с известными им и составить специальные таблицы.