1. Our plane to London Heathrow take off at exactly 18:45. - Наш самолет в Лондон Хитроу вылетает ровно в 18:45.
2. I stood on the bank of the Thames took up the wonderful view of Tower Bridge. - Я стоял на берегу Темзы, наблюдая прекрасный вид на Тауэрский мост.
3. It started raining so I put on my blue anorak. - Начался дождь, поэтому я надела мою синюю куртку с капюшоном.
4. The Queen was too busy to drink tea with me so we had to put our meeting off! - Королева была слишком занята, чтобы пить чай со мной, поэтому нам пришлось перенести нашу встречу!
5. My afternoon was mostly taken in with sightseeing - Моя вторая половина дня была занята, в основном, осмотром достопримечательностей.
Thanks for your letter. You ask me to tell you about our visit to the zoo during our last holidays. Well, I'll do it with pleasure. The weather was warm and I went to the zoo with my brothers. We had a lot of fun. Animals were walking in the open air in their enclosures and cages. First of all we went to the cages with monkeys because they are funny and very cute animals. They were running around the cage playing with each other. Then they had their lunch and the zoo-keeper allowed us to give some food to the animals. So we helped him to feed them. I enjoyed it very much.
Then we went to see bears. Each year they get/become larger and larger. At the zoo we saw a lot of different birds (eagles, owls, ostriches, peacocks), animals (tigers, hippos, elks, camels, lions, giraffes) and reptiles (crocodiles, pythons, snakes, lizards). We visited the dolphinarium in the end, for my brothers to see their magic show. You see, I visit the zoo almost every year and it's always a great pleasure for me.
How are you doing? Do you like to go to the zoo?
Keep in touch.
Best wishes,