1. Unfortunately, he missed the opportunity to try his hand at designing (to design) the exhibition.
2. Having achieved fame, he lost a sense of confidence, because it turned out that he was a weak-willed person.
3. He is unique in his ambitions.
4. He became well known at a young age.
5. Such people, who can be said to be intelligent and hardworking, always succeed in everything.
6. Such as he is usually very observant.
7. The Smirnov family is known for its traditions.
8. We, as a rule, first of all turn to those who cause trust in us for help.
9. This elderly woman lived a lonely life, because she lost her relatives and
close to the war (The war took ...).
10. He became an opponent of social order at an early age.
11. He was well educated for his time and therefore achieved high results in his field of activity.
12. Where the matter concerned money, he became greedy, but in general, it was a good person.
13. He was in his own way unique.
*за* - можно найти много полезной информации, найти ответ на любой интригующий тебя во с компьютера можно делать уроки, узнавать что-то новое, и общаться с людьми , открывая что -то новое для себя.
*против* - если долго сидеть за гаджетом можно испортить зрение, при входе на какой-то неизвестный сайт можно потерять свои личные данные(если быть не осторожными) , много мошенников , которые пользуются глупыми детьми, без присмотра родителей.
Объяснение: проходили эту тему на уроке. все что перечислила должно быть правильным. в случае неуверенности в правильности ответа подкорректируйте предложение с:
1. went,were waiting,remembered,has left,phoned,have left,was leaving,didnt think,turned,said,went,waked
2.was,woke up looked, saw, stopped,realised,was,has already begun,sat,found,has left,asked,was going,passed.