Bannack, Montana’s first (0) territorial capital was the site of (43)many (much) “firsts” in the state’s history. Bannack had the (44)first (one) jail, hotel, chartered Masonic Lodge, hard rock mine, (45) ___electric (electricity) gold dredge, quarts stamp mill, and (46) commercial (commerce) sawmill.
The (47) ___most famous (famous) Sheriff of Bannack, Henry Plummer, was (48) secretly (secret) the leader of a gang of thieves, murderers and robbers called “The Innocents”. This gang is said to have (49) murdered (murder) over 102 men and robbed (50) countless (count) others. A group of Vigilantes hanged Henry Plummer and many of his gang on the very gallows that Plummer built to hang horse thieves.
Over 50 (51) buildings (build) remain at Bannack today, each one with a story to tell, from tumble-down, one-room bachelor cabins to the Hotel Meade.
The diggings are quiet now, but the streets still ring with the footsteps of those seeking the rich lode of Western history that Bannock hoards like the gold once hidden in its hills. A monument frozen in time of modern-day is for (52) the visitor (visit) to discover and enjoy.
1. Father told me not to forget to write a letter.
2. Nick said that I might ride his bike.
3. Mary said that the weather was beautiful that day.
4. Mr. Ford told me I would have much work the following day.
5. Jane said that she had lost her keys and she didn’t know what to do.
6. Mrs. Hillary told me that she would like to tell me one interesting thing.
7. Postman said there were no letters for me that day.
8. Teacher wanted to know who was on duty that day.
9. Salesgirl said she would recommend me those fresh cakes.
10. Taxi driver said that my hotel was not far from there.
11. Teacher asked us to stop talking.
12. Police officer ordered them not to move.
13. Friend asked me to help him.
14. Ann asked us not to go there.