a eto na angliskom yazike? esle da to na.
my institute is better than others, because each lecturer explains the lesson so that it is impossible not to understand it, this should be done every speaker but many institutions do not do that so I think that my very horosshi Institute. I like my institute
a esle na russkom to na.
мой институт лучше других, потому что каждый лектор объясняет урок так что не возможно не понять его, это должен делать каждый лектор но во многих институтах так не делают поэтому я считаю что мой институт очень хоросши. я люблу мой институт.
Task 1. English has become a 1) means of communication … within some countries where different groups of people speak 2) different languages. You must work hard to
learn your 3) first foreign language. Some people can 4) speak more than one
language. We must 5) study foreign languages at school. There are some differences between 6) British and American English . English is the 7) official language in Australia. Most 8) vocabulary in the modern computer science is in English. English is the 9) …only solution to the communicate problems. If a person doesn’t know 10) foreign languages he can’t hope to know all the news in his field.