1.what movie are you watching - I'm watching a new comedy.
2.What is he planning to do on Monday night? - He is going to the theater.
3.Why is she looking for this book? - Now she is writing an article about its author.
4.Who are you calling? - I call my dentist.
5.Where is she going? - She goes to the bank. There she meets with the manager.
6.Is your brother fishing now? - No, he plays tennis.
7.What are your parents doing now? - Mom prepares lunch, and dad watches sports on TV.
8.Are you looking for glasses? - No. I'm looking for my notebook
9.What are they going to buy for her? - They are going to buy fruits and flowers.
10.Did your sister stay at the hotel now? - Yes.
ответьте на вопросы о себе. 1 Как вы думаете, полезна ли веб-камера? Почему? 2 Что лучше, ноутбук или ПК? Почему? 3 Используете ли вы сканер?
1)В быту веб-камера нужна для общения в Skype и мессенджерах, участия в играх. Пригодится она и для более специфического применения – участия в конференциях, вебинарах, удаленного наблюдения за людьми и помещениями в режиме реального времени.
In everyday life, a webcam is needed to communicate in Skype and messengers, participate in games. It will also be useful for more specific applications – participation in conferences, webinars, remote monitoring of people and premises in real time.
В стационарный ПК можно добавить любую комплектацию, благодаря чему он потянет даже самую тяжелую игру
Геймплей на большом дисплее ярче, интереснее и более захватывающий
Есть объемный звук, который необходим, чтобы усилить эффект от игрового процесса
Охлаждение стационарного ПК лучше, чем у ноутбука
You can add any configuration to a stationary PC, so that it will pull even the heaviest game
The gameplay on the big display is brighter, more interesting and more exciting
There is surround sound, which is necessary to enhance the effect of the gameplay
The cooling of a stationary PC is better than that of a laptop
3) No I don't use it/ Yes i use it
a. A computer is a device which accepts processes and gives out information. b. The students are still waiting for their acceptance into the Computer Science program.
c. It is acceptable to know without a template if the flowcharts are not kept on file.
a. A computer must be able to communicate to a user.
b. Fiber optics is a widely used development in the field of communication.
c. Some people working in computer installations aren’t very communicative because they are shy.
a. A computer is limited in its ability by the imagination of man.
b. Some people are good at inventing imaginary stories.
c. It is practically impossible to imagine the speed at which a computer calculates numbers.
a. It is usually not permitted to smoke in computer installation.
b. Computers permit people to use their time more effectively.
c. Building permission is usually required before starting any renovations to a building for a computer department.