Read and listen to the text. Then answer the questions. 1 What are tectonic plates? 2 How many layers is the Earth made up of? 3 What is a hypocentre? 4 What does a seismograph measure? 5 How many earthquakes occur every year? help?
Family values are very improtant. They are very different in each family. I'm going to tell about some of them that we have in my own family. The first one is, of course, love. Our parents raised us in love and tenderness and we also love them as much as they do. Second one is understanding because you will never feel comfortable if your family don't understand you, so that's why i think this value is also very important. The thrid family value for us is kindness. My parents always tell me that if you do kind things to people, they will return back in the future. And the last one is respecting elders because they are the ones, who learn us how to be wise, they share their experiance with us and we should appreciate and respect it.
Roberto: Excuse me, Miss Baker, can I ask you a question?
Miss Baker: Of course you can, Roberto.
Roberto: How do you spell "pizza" in English
Miss Baker: Ahmed. Can you help?
Ahmed: Sorry. I dont know.
Miss Baker : Can anyone help Roberto? Put your hands up if you know the answer. Yes, Kim.
Kim: It's easy. It's "pizza".
Roberto : How do you spell that?
Kim : P-I-Z-Z-A; it's the same as in Italian.
Roberto: Ok, let me write that in my notebook. Is this your pen? Can I borrow it?
Kim: No, that's your pen. You don't need to ask.