I want to tell about extreme sports . Exteme sportsare becoming more and more popular. Some people say that they can't imagine their lives without them. However, others don't understand what compels some individual to extreme sports.. In my opinion , extreme sports give one a wonderful opportunity to release stress, To escape everyday monotony and to get his portion of adrenaline. it makes people feel strong and alive. What is more , it is also an unusual way of losing weight and keeping fit.
But some people think that taking up the extreme lifestyle is crasy as it often involves a high level of danger.
To sum up, it's up to you dicide whether to risk your life or not. Some extrme activities are so dangerous that people compare them with virtual suicide. You should always remember that your life and your health are the most important things.
Говорят, что первые экзотические животные были привезены в Британию в 13 веке, когда король Генри тритий получил в подарок леопардов и слонов. Эти животные жили в Тауэре во дворце. Позже Король Норвегии подарил Генри третьему полярного медведя. Этот медведь, будучи привязанным длинной веревкой, обожал ловить рыбу в реке Темза. 500 лет спустя Королева Шарлотта получила в подарок зебру, впервые ввезенную в Британию. Она держала ее возле Букингемского дворца. Любопытные горожане приходили на нее посмотреть. В 1839 году в Лондонском зоопарке появились четыре зебры, привлекающие всеобщее внимание. Вскоре жирафы были перевезены в Регент Парк. На протяжении пяти лет появилось на свет шесть детенышей жирафа. На сегодняшний день в Лондонском зоопарке можно увидеть много сотен экзотических животных.
Блок А. Дополнить. 1. __London is the capital of Great Britain. 2. John R. R. Tolkien is a famous English writer. 3. There is a special place for the Queen’s family in the _MadamTussaud’s Museum. 4. Mother’s or father’s brother is an __uncle. 5. A артикль употребляется только с существительным в единственном числе. Блок B. Выбрать правильный ответ. 1. We bought a… new dress.
2. Washington is … capital of … USA. a) a/the 3. He has already … his puppy for a walk. b) taken 4. His elder sister usually … care of their pets. d) takes 5. She is the … beautiful girl in our class. b) most 6. I … in the sixth form. a) am 7. My sister… got three sons. b) has 8. She plays tennis… c) … every Monday
9. Your mother’s sister is your …
b) aunt
10. Have you bought presents for all your … ?
c) relatives
Блок С. Заполнить пропуски следующими словами: Regent’s Park; London Zoo; 12,000; animals, birds, fishes and insects; 1839
London Zoo is the most famous British Zoo. The home of London Zoo is ___Regent’s Park; which is not far from the centre of London. It has been an attraction since 1839 ___. Today there are more than __12,000; animals at London Zoo. Different kinds of animals, birds, fishes and insects; live there.
I want to tell about extreme sports . Exteme sportsare becoming more and more popular. Some people say that they can't imagine their lives without them. However, others don't understand what compels some individual to extreme sports.. In my opinion , extreme sports give one a wonderful opportunity to release stress, To escape everyday monotony and to get his portion of adrenaline. it makes people feel strong and alive. What is more , it is also an unusual way of losing weight and keeping fit.
But some people think that taking up the extreme lifestyle is crasy as it often involves a high level of danger.
To sum up, it's up to you dicide whether to risk your life or not. Some extrme activities are so dangerous that people compare them with virtual suicide. You should always remember that your life and your health are the most important things.