Preparing for the Party.
A mother and her daughter are cooking dishes for the party. I need your help badly, Mary. There is so much to do for tonight's party — a salad to be prepared, various pies and cakes to be baked, a goose to be roasted, and a lot of other things to be cooked. Please take the mincing machine and mince this bit of meat while I am scraping and slicing the carrots. Will you peel these potatoes and onions? I'll make some potato chips and you set up the rest of the potatoes to boil. When they are soft, mash them with butter and milk. You know that milk must be hot, don't you? So, we'll have mashed potatoes and vegetables with the meat. Please clear the peeling off the table. Now, wash and cut the potatoes and cucumbers, put them on the dish but don't dress with the mayonnaise, we'll do it later. I think that it's time to get out the goose from the oven. Oh, what a perfect smell! I've never yet had such a beautiful golden crust. It makes one's mouth water just to look at it.
Won't you please get me the baking pan? We'll bake a layer cake and a pie with jam filling. I'll beat the eggs for the dough. Look, the rice is boiling over, turn the gas down a little, will you? Now, be a good girl and whip the whites of these eggs. Here is some powdered sugar to mix with the whites when you are through... That's about all. I think. Thank you, dear, you've been a great help to me. Only put the fish jelly into the refrigerator. and then you may be free till evening. Now will you help me in laying the table? The guests will come in an hour. We’ll be twelve altogether, so lay twelve places. Take the dishes for refreshments from the sideboard and put them on the table. Now fetch the wine glasses — one for each cover. We shan't uncork the bottles. That's a man's job, of course, but get the corkscrew ready. Now, while I'm busy in the kitchen reheating some dishes, you open these tins. Here is the tin opener for you.
Украина — государство в Восточной Европе. Население — 45 665 281 человек (2011). Столица — город Киев. Государственный строй — Президентско-парламентская республика. Законодательный орган — однопалатный парламент (Верховная Рада). Административно-территориальное деление: 24 области, Автономная Республика Крым, 2 города республиканского подчинения: Киев и Севастополь. Территория — 603 628 км². На юге омывается Чёрным и Азовским морями. Граничит: на востоке и северо-востоке — с Россией, на севере — с Белоруссией, на западе — с Польшей, Словакией и Венгрией, на юго-западе — с Румынией, Молдавией и непризнанной Приднестровской Молдавской Республикой. По мнению большинства источников, Украина является крупнейшим по территории государством, целиком расположенным в Европе. Согласно определению Конституции Украины (статья 1), Украина является «суверенным и независимым, демократическим, социальным и правовым государством». По наиболее распространённой и авторитетной, в том числе на самой Украине, версии, название страны происходит от общеславянского «оукраина» (пограничная область) — названия, применявшегося на Руси к пограничным землям и составлявшего аналогию западному понятию «марка». Впервые оно встречается в 1187 году по отношению к Переяславскому княжеству, а впоследствии употреблялось и к другим русским землям, в том числе находившимся далеко за пределами современной Украины. Данное слово в разных контекстах было в обиходе как в Великом княжестве Литовском, так и в Московском государстве. «Толковый словарь живого великорусского языка» Даля (издание 1865 года), объясняя это слово, приводит такие примеры: «Сибирские города встарь зывались украйными.
Ukraine - a country in Eastern Europe. Population - 45,665,281 people (2011). The capital - the city of Kiev. Political system - a presidential-parliamentary republic.The legislature - unicameral parliament (Verkhovna Rada). Administrative divisions: 24 regions, Autonomous Republic of Crimea, 2 cities of republican subordination: Kiev and Sevastopol. Area - 603 628 km ². On the south by the Black and Azov Seas. It borders on the east and north-east - to Russia in the north - with Belarus, in the west - with Poland, Slovakia and Hungary to the south-west - with Romania, Moldova and the unrecognized Transnistrian Moldovan Republic.According to most sources, Ukraine is the largest in the territory of the state, located entirely in Europe. According to the definition of the Constitution (Article 1), Ukraine is a "sovereign and independent, democratic, social and legal state."According to the most popular and respected, including in Ukraine itself, version, name of the country comes from the common Slavic "oukraina" (border region) - the name that was used in Russia to the border land and formed the analogy of the Western concept of "brand". It first appears in 1187 in relation to the Pereyaslavl principality, and later was used for other Russian lands, including being far beyond the present-day Ukraine. This word in different contexts in everyday life was like in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, and in Muscovy. "Explanatory Dictionary of Russian Language" Dal (edition 1865), explaining the word, gives the following examples: "The Siberian city of old mans Borderland.