видите ли, мы делаем многое на наших уроках: учим слова и грамматические правила, учим стихи наизусть, переводим с на , читаем тексты и отвечаем на вопросы, отвечаем на вопросы учителя, пишем в тетрадях и на доске, составляем диалоги, рассказываем , слушаем песни и поем их, решаем кроссворды и составляем свои кроссворды, описываем картинки, смотрим фильмы и мультфильмы на , играем в игры, рисуем картинки, делаем проекты.
что касается меня, то мне нравится наш учебник . это « с удовольствием». он интересный, потому что там много картинок, текстов и разных .
на :
you see, we do many things at our lessons: learn words and grammar rules, learn english poems by heart, translate from russian into english, read texts, answer the questions, answer our teacher’s questions, write exercises in our copy-books and on the blackboard, make up dialogues, tell the stories, listen to english songs and sing them, do crossword puzzles and make up our own crosswords, describe pictures, watch films and cartoons in english, play games, draw pictures, make projects.
as for me, i am fond of our english student’s book. it is “enjoy english”. it is interesting because it has many pictures, texts and different exercises.
i enjoy making dialogues and watching films very much. i have already learnt many words. i want to know english better because i want to speak english well.
“What ever happened to Baby Jane?” is a psychological horror thriller that shows us the relationship of an aging, formerly famous Hollywood actress “Baby Jane” and her older sister, who was always in the shadow, Blanche. As years went by Jane’s popularity has faded, she turned to alcohol, but Blanche became a successful actress and it made Jane have a resentment towards her. Unfortunately, Blanche got into a car accident which left her paralyzed. The rest is a movie’s entire plot.
I recommend this movie, it leaves you to think of your priorities and relationships you have with people.
(тут больше чем 60 слов, но я надеюсь