Определить грамматическое время 1. She gave the impression that she was deciding to change her course of action and to get in touch with Miss Tant. —
2. Nobody could consider O gden Street very attractive but her words always had a powerful effect upon me. —
3. Jo opened her lips to say something rude, but checked herself to a certain extent. —
4. ^ t last he attained a desired end. —
5. Her only reply to this absurd protest was a little peal of laughter. —
6. He vigorously uttered his point of view: "My dear young lady, I don't believe you can read a map."
7. He has constant headaches. —
8. M ajor Dunker doesn't think that poetry interests or suits him. —
9. His reaction to W alter's rem ark was very am using. —
10. Professor Dulwick's lectures always produce a great im pression upon his audience. —
11. The object has a resem blance to a lopsided vase. —
12. Mrs. O akroyd says she has some trouble with her children. —
13. Louisa always acted as Nelly wanted, the latter had great power over her. —
14. Hard workers always have success. —
15. The effect of his speech on the audience was quite unexpected. —
16. Perhaps curiosity m ight have conquered resentm ent to a certain extent. —
17. He replied simply but with great dignity and his answer left no doubt about his decision. —
18. A committee is to be set up to investigate the effect of television on children. —
19. The group accomplished their purpose. —
Я учусь в гимназии российской культуры. Я в десятом классе. Я просыпаюсь каждое утро в 7 часов в школу. Уроки заканчиваются в час дня. Сейчас я делаю уроки дома. Я жду с нетерпением похода в школу завтра. Я хожу в школу с моей подругой Салли. В данный момент я учу английский язык.