1)can (те вообще-то Том может водить, но у него нет тачки) 2)could (тк существует возможность события в те Я так устал, что cмог уснуть сразу) 3)will be able to (существует определенная возможность на будущее) 4)can (здесь модальный глагол can относится к будущему) 5)can (просто Present Simple Tense) 6)were able to (больше подходит по смыслу, тк говорится о разовом действии в 7)can /will be able to (допустимы оба, но второй вариант звучит очень формально и даже странно) 8)been able to (смысловая нагрузка, те НЕ ИМЕЛ возможности понять) 9)couldn't /was not able to (оба варианта, тк в в отрицательной форме как для постоянных, так и для разовых событий) 10)can 11) will be able to (см №3) 12)could (вообще и 2й вариант тоже подойдет, тк существует отрицание из-за never, но это меняет смысл, те could всмысле не могла/не умела,а was able to - не имела возможности) 13) can/ will be able to (оба варианта, тк существует договоренность на будущее) 14) can not/ weren't be able to (отрицательная форма как и 12, но смысл не меняется) 15) 1- could/ was able to (оба варианта подойдут) 2-won't be able to (возможность на будущее- в данном случае отсутствие её) Вроде, верно. Удачи!
My ideal school. I like my school, but I think it could be better, so I would like to tell you about my ideal school. My ideal school would be situated in a quiet place near a big park, so that students could walk there after classes to relax. There would be a big buffet, where students could have a cup of tea or coffee with a sandwich during the breaks. My ideal school would also have lockers for books and personal things like in American schools. Nowadays we have to study a lot of subjects at school. But I think that the most important subjects are those, which will help us to pass the Unified State Exam and to enter the university. In my ideal school the majority of sciences would be given at fact-finding level and students of a high school would be allowed to choose subjects, which they would like to learn on a higher level, according to their aims and preferences. But of course, Russian will be a compulsory subject for everyone at my school, because we must admit that it is necessary for the literate writing. Information technology is another important subject, because computers simplify our lives and each of students will need to use it in future.
1. Yes, he has. No, he hasn't.
2. Yes, she has. No, she hasn't.