1. Where were you at 7 last evening?
2. Tom stayed at home because he caught a bad cold.
3. Why was Alice late for dinner?
4. Did you catch the bus this morning?
5. They didn’t drink tea, they had coffee.
6. Did Bob see doctor Smith at 5?
7. She studied English for 2 years.
8. What time did they get up yesterday?
9. I wasn’t in this town last year.
10. Why didn’t she go to the concert on Friday?
II.1) they were late [You, we they + were/weren't]
2) got up [форма get up в Past Simple]
3) her child wasn't [He, she, it + was/wasn't]
4) spoke [форма speak в Past Simple]; jumped [форма jump в Past Simple]
5) didn't get [didn't + ]
6) did they leave [Did + I, you, we, they, he, she, it + ?]
7) he didn't smoke before [посудите сами, 'он не был курил' тоже звучит неправильно на русском]
8) came [форма come в Past Simple]
9) had [форма have в Past Simple]; left [форма leave в Past Simple]
10) the jeans [неправильное окончание слова]
III.cut, brought, came, wrote, thought, learned, knew, bought, had, began
[Это неправильные глаголы. Их вы можете увидеть в таблице неправильных глаголов в Интернете]
A) Does your sister like skiing?
B) No, she (don't/doesn't). She (prefer/prefers) to skate.
A) Are you doing anything to stay in shape?
B) Yes, | am. (I/I'm) going to the gym every day this month. And I'm not (eat/eating) snacks.
A) When (do/does) you exercise?
B) After class, I usually (walk/walks) home.
A) What sports (do/are) your friends playing these days?
B) (They/They're) playing the weekends.
A) Do you (get/gets) regular exercise?
B) Yes, we (do/does). We (exercise/exercises) five days week.
A) (Is/Does) your best friend doing karate this semester?
B) No, (she doesn't/she's not). She's studying for exams right now.