Where is the Grand Canyon situated? • The Grand Canyon is situa'.ed in theAppalachian Mountains. • The Grand Canyon is situated in theRocky Mountains. • The Grand Canyon is situated in theHimalayas.
The main characters of the book: Kirilla Petrovich Troekurov, his daughter Masha and Vladimir Dubrovskiy.
The book is about: A young aristocrat who turns to crime because his house and money are taken away.
Dubrovsky becomes a robber, who takes money from the rich and gives it to the poor. But then he falls in love with a beautiful girl and everything changes.
Name: Leo Tolstoy
Was born: on the 28th of August, 1828
Died: on the 7th of November, 1910
Job: writer
Genre: prose (long novels)
One of his famous books: "War and Peace"
The main characters of the book: Pier Bezukhov, Andrei Bolkonskiy, Natasha Rostova.
The book is about: The war with France and the heroism of Russian people.
Одним из экологических успехов британцев был контроль за загрязнением воздуха, особенно в Лондоне. Тридцать лет назад люди ежегодно умирали от страшного смога в Лондоне. С тех пор Лондон и другие города стали бездымными зонами, районами, где нет торфяных пожаров, которые являются источником загрязнения. Однако сейчас, увеличение трафика снова угрожает серьезными проблемами загрязнения воздуха в городах . Самая распространенная форма загрязнения воздуха исходит от кинотеатров, пабов и ресторанов. Наземное и воздушное передвижение может привести к серьезным шумовым загрязнениям. Друзья Земли показывают, что велосипед – лучший путешествовать, потому что это дешево, тихо и хороший вид физических нагрузок.
Name: Alexander Pushkin
Was born: on the 6th of June, 1799
Died: on the 29th of January, 1837
Job: poet
Genre: poetry and prose
One of his famous books: "Dubrovsky"
The main characters of the book: Kirilla Petrovich Troekurov, his daughter Masha and Vladimir Dubrovskiy.
The book is about: A young aristocrat who turns to crime because his house and money are taken away.
Dubrovsky becomes a robber, who takes money from the rich and gives it to the poor. But then he falls in love with a beautiful girl and everything changes.
Name: Leo Tolstoy
Was born: on the 28th of August, 1828
Died: on the 7th of November, 1910
Job: writer
Genre: prose (long novels)
One of his famous books: "War and Peace"
The main characters of the book: Pier Bezukhov, Andrei Bolkonskiy, Natasha Rostova.
The book is about: The war with France and the heroism of Russian people.